
TITLE                German           Japanese (translated)                English YEAR
J. N. Koral, W. J. Blank, R. Ratcliffe ACS Preprint Div. of Organic Coatings and Plastic Technology. Vol. 27, No. 38, (1967) 1967
The Utilization of Amino Cross-Linking Agents in Electrocoating Paints. J. N. Koral, W. J. Blank, J. P. Falzone J. Paint Techn. Vol.40, No519, .April 1968 1968
Turnover Studies on Amino-Cross-linked Electrocoating Paints. W. J. Blank ACS Preprint, 161 Meeting. Organic Coatings & Plastic Chemistry, Vol. 31, No. 1, 1971, pg. 358-365. 1969
Performance Characteristics of Amino-Crosslinked Saturated Resins Systems in Electrocoating Paints. W. J. Blank, J. N. Koral, J. C. Petropoulos J. Coat. Techn. Vol. 42, No.550, Nov. 1970, pg. 609-614. 1970
Die Electrophoretische Abscheidung von Organischen Polymeren. W. J. Blank, G.G.Parekh Industrie und Lackierbetrieb, 40 Jahrg. No. 4, April 1972, pg. 142-150 1972
A True-False Quiz on Electrocoating J .C. Petropoulos, W. J. Blank, Product Finishing. Nov. 1973, pg. 140-196. 1973
Use of Amino-Cross-linking Agents in Water Based Coatings. W. J. Blank, W. Hensley. J. Paint, Techn. Vol. 46, No. 593, June 1974, pg. 46-50. 1974
A Novel Approach to the Formulation of Water-Borne Coatings. W. J. Blank J. Coat. Techn. Vol. 49, No. 631, pg. 46-59, Aug. 1977. 1977
A Novel Approach to the Formulation of Water-Borne Coatings. W. J. Blank Coatings Technology (Japan) Vol. 13, No. 10, 1978, pg. 403-414. 1979
Reaction Mechanism of Amino Resins. W. J. Blank J. Coat. Techn. vol. 51, No. 656, pg. 61-70 Sept. 1979 1979
Cross-linking Agents for High Solids and Water-Borne Coatings. W. J. Blank, ACS booklet. Polymers in the Service of Man. 1980, 85th Birthday of Prof. Mark 1980
The Use of Triazine Resins in High Solids Coatings. W. J. Blank Reprint of the Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference in Organic Coatings and Technology. Athens Greece 1980. 1980
Amino Resins in High Solids Coatings. W. J. Blank J. Coat. Techn. Vol. 54, No. 687, Pg 26-41, April 1982. 1982
Effective Research Innovation. W. J. Blank ACS Preprint. Seattle Meeting. March 1983. pg 263-266. 1983
A Reactive Modifier for Acrylic Topcoats. W. J. Blank, ACS Proceedings of the Div. of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 57, Aug. 87, pg. 738-743. 1987
Polyurethane Oligomers for Water-Borne and High Solids Coatings. W. J. Blank, Preprint Water-Borne and Higher Solids Coatings Symposium. University of Southern Mississippi. Feb. 1988.J.Coat.Techn. Vol.60, No.764; 1988, pg.43-50 1988
Polyurethanes as Reactive Co-Solvents in Water-Borne Coatings. W. J. Blank, Preprint Water-Borne and Higher Solids Coatings Symposium. University of Southern Mississippi. Feb. 1989. 1989
Polyurethanes as Reactive Co-Solvents in Water-Borne Coatings. W. J. Blank, J. Coat. Techn. Vol. 61, No. 777, pg 119-128. 1989
Non-Isocyanate Routes to Polyurethanes. W. J. Blank, Preprint Water-Borne and Higher Solids Coatings Symposium. University of Southern Mississippi. Feb. 1990. 1990
Crosslinking with Polyurethanes W. J. Blank, ACS Proceedings of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering. Vol. 63, Aug. 90, pg 931-935. ACS Preprints 1990
Water-Borne Polyurethanes by Conventional Isocyanate and Non-Isocyanate Routes. Symposium on Science and Technology Jan. 15, 1991, Tokyo, Japan 1991
Design Considerations for Polymers and Crosslinking Agents used in High Solids Coatings. Symposium on Science and Technology Jan. 15, 1991, Tokyo, Japan 1991
Novel Polyurethane Polyols for Water-Borne and High Solids Coatings.  W. J. Blank, Progress in Organic Coatings, 20 (1992) pg 235-259 1992
Urea, Benzoguanamine, and Melamine Resins for Coatings. W. J. Blank, L. J. Calbo, Ullmann's Encyclopedia fifth edition. VCH .(1992), updated for new addition 1992


Crosslinking of Water-Borne Polyurethane Dispersions. J. Tramontano. W. J. Blank, Preprint Water-Borne and Higher-Solids and Powder Coatings Symposium, University of Southern Mississippi and Southern Coatings Society, New Orleans, Feb., 1994. 1994
Exterior Durability of Urethane Modified Acrylic Melamine Coatings. W. J. Blank, ACS Preprints San Diego Meeting, March 1994 1994
Properties of Crosslinked Polyurethane Dispersions. W. J. Blank, V. J. Tramontano, Proceedings 20th International Conference in Organic Coatings Science and Technology Athens, Greece.1994. 1994
Properties of Crosslinked Polyurethane Dispersions. W. J. Blank, V. J. Tramontano Progress in Organic Coatings,27, (1996) 1-15. 1994
Melamine Formaldehyde Networks with Improved Chemical Resistance, W. J. Blank ACS PMSE Preprints Las Vegas Meeting 1997 1997
Additives for High Solids and Water-borne Coatings. W. J. Blank, Dan Miller, Rudi Berndlmaier, Preprint Water-Borne and Higher-Solids and Powder Coatings Symposium, University of Southern Mississippi and Southern Coatings Society, New Orleans, Feb., 1998. 1998
Crosslinking with Malonate Blocked Isocyanates and with Melamine Resins. Z. Alex He and W. J. Blank. Preprint Water-Borne and Higher-Solids and Powder Coatings Symposium, University of Southern Mississippi and Southern Coatings Society, New Orleans, Feb., 1998 1998
Catalysis of the Isocyanate-Hydroxyl Reaction with Non-Tin Catalysts. W. J. Blank. Z. A. He and E. T. Hessell. 24th International Conference in Organic Coatings. Athens Greece 1998
High Solids Coating, W. J. Blank, ACS meeting in Anaheim, March1999, Preprint PMSE Division 1999
A Selective Catalyst for Two Component Waterborne Polyurethane Coatings,   Z. Alex He, Werner J. Blank, Marie E. Picci Preprint 26th  International Waterborne, High-Solids, and Powder Coatings Symposium Feb. 1999, New Orleans, LA, USA 1999
Catalysis of the Isocyanate-Hydroxyl Reaction by Non-Tin Catalysts. Werner J. Blank, Z. A. He, E. T.Hessell. Progress in Organic Coatings 35 (1999) 19-29 1999

Catalysis of the Epoxy-Carboxyl Reaction, Werner J. Blank, Z. A. He. M. E. Picci, Preprint 28th, High Solids and Waterborne and Powder Conference in New Orleans, Feb. 2001.

The Slow and Winding Road to "Zero" VOC. Werner J. Blank. Preprint 28th, High Solids and Waterborne and Powder Conference in New Orleans, Feb. 2001. 2001

Catalysis of thermally curable high solids cycloaliphatic epoxy formulations, R.P. Subrayan, D. J. Miller, M.M Miller and W.J.Blank,  ACS Proceedings Fall 2001, Chicago IL. PMSE Div.

Advances in Catalysis for Organic Coatings. Werner J. Blank, Chimia 56 (2002) 191-196 Schweizer Chemische Gesellschaft ISSN 0009-4293 2002
New Development in Catalysis. Werner J. Blank, FATIPEC Sept. 2002 2002
Delayed (Latent) Catalysis in Coatings, Werner J. Blank (Kurt Dietliker, Antoine Carroy, Tunja Jung, Caroline Lordelot,  Ciba) ACS Meeting Philadelphia  2008
Tin Chemistry Fundamentals, Frontiers and Applications, John Wiley Publication. Chapter 6.2  Organotin Catalysts for Isocyanate Reactions. Werner J. Blank and Edward T. Hessell. Mechanism of Catalysis, structure of catalysts, blocked isocyanates, reaction rates, application areas.  2008

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