Application Characteristics
Hot melt adhesive MDI adhesive, 30 % hard segment
Moisture curing TDI, polyether
PPG polyether MDI 1,4-butanediol chain extended
THF elastomer RIM, 1,4-butanediol extended
Foam Type
High resiliency  foam carbon dioxide blown TDI, Low fogging, reactive catalyst
High resiliency foam carbon dioxide blown MDI, Low fogging, reactive catalyst
Low density foam carbon dioxide blown High strength, TDI
High density foam filled carbon dioxide blown Calcium carbonate filled
Rigid foams with fire retardant properties*
Isocyanurate spray foam carbon dioxide and HCFC blown Recycled PET
Isocyanurate spray foam carbon dioxide and HCFC blown Non silicone surfactant
Isocyanurate spray foam carbon dioxide and pentane blown Aromatic bromated diol
Isocyanurate spray foam carbon dioxide and HCFC blown Roofing foam insulation
Isocyanurate spray foam carbodiimide and carbon dioxide blown Bisphenol A PO modified
*Any flame or fire rating shown with these formulations do not indicate that the foam under actual fire conditions will be flame retardant.  Under actual fire conditions many other variables can be found which cannot be duplicated under test conditions

Last edited on:

November 20, 2006

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