

LEGAL We believe to have obtained all the information contained in this site from data in the public domain or from legal sources. Although we believe that the information contained in this web site is correct we cannot warrant the information. The user of this information and data is required to crosscheck the information and recommendations. The user of this information is also required to check that the recommendations are not covered by any legal patents. We used our best judgment in presenting any risk and health information and environmental data, because of the rapid changes in this field, the primary sources should be consulted. For safety information on chemicals the MSDS of the manufacturer should always be consulted. We used great care in determining if some of the chemicals are listed in the inventory of a specific country. If you use a chemical you should check with the manufacturer if the particular compound is listed in your country inventories. Our links provide you with direct connection to the original sources of some of the data. If you should find data and information on this site you feel are inaccurate, please inform us, we will take any reasonable effort to correct such information in reasonable time. Most of the information was collected with the US market in mind, but because of the international nature of the polyurethane business input from many other countries was considered. 
Last edited: September 16, 2008 Webmaster:  I am the master of my domain
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